Have We Surveyed Your Lake?
Here is a growing list of lake surveys that we have accomplished ..
Albion Lake Survey, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Ashby, Ashden, Aylen;
Baptiste (and Redmond Bay), Bark(2), Barker, Bay, Bay Tree, Beardwood, Bear Shanty, Beaver (2), Bell Rapids, Bennett, Benoir, Bentley, Big Clear, Big Fools, Big Gull, Big Hardings, Big Mink, Big Ohlmann, Big Yirkie, Black Donald, Blue Sea, Boulter, Bow(2), Bradley, Brett, Brinklow, Brooks, Brough, Brown’s, Brule, Buckshot, Bull, Burns;
Campbell, Cannon, Canoto, Card, Cardiff, Cardwell, Carson, Cashel, Castor Oil, Centennial, Centre, Charlotte, Chubb, Clark, Clear, Coe (Island), Colbourne, Combermere, Copeland, Cordova, Couchain, Cross (Crotch), Crowe, Crystal, Cup;
Dam, Dark, Deception, Deer, Denbigh, Diamond(2), Dickey, Drizzle, Drumm;
Echo, Effingham, Elephant, Eels, Eneas;
Faraday, Farm, Farquhar, Finch, Finnegan, Fortune, Foster, Foster’s, Fraser’s, Frog Harbour;
Galeairy, George, Gilroy, Gin, Glanmire, Golden, Gorman, Gould, Grace, Graphite, Greenbark, Grindstone, Gun, Gunter;
Haley, Halfway, Harding, Hardwood, Hay, Henderson, Hinchcliffe, Holland, Hoover, Horse, Horseshoe, Hudson;
Jamieson, Jarvis, Jeffrey, John, Jordan (2);
Kamaniskeg, Kargus, Kashwakamak, Kennebec, Kingscote, Kuick;
L’Amble, Lake of Islands, Lake St. Peter, Laundry, Lavallee, Leve, Limerick, Limestone, Lingham, Little Fools, Little Lyell, Little McGarry, Little Minktrack, , Little Papineau, Little Skunk, Long, Lorwall, Lower Hay, Lucerne, Lucky, Lyell, Lyndoch;
Mackie, Malcolm, Mallard, Marble (2), Mayo, Mazinaw, McCauley, McClausand, McCue, McGibbon, McKenzie, McMaster, Mephisto, Mink, Mississagagon, Mississauga, Moccasin(2), Moira, Monck, Monmouth, Monrock, Moore, Mountain;
Negleek, Neil;
Otter (2);
Palmerston, Papineau, Paudash, Paugh, Peter, Peever, Pine, Poverty, Pringle, Purdy, Pusey, Puzzle;
Quinlan, Quirk;
Raft, Ragged, Raglan, Rapids, Riddell, Robinson (2), Rose Hill, Round, Ruby, Rutledge, Ryan, Rylestone;
St. Ola, Salmon, Sanford, Second, Selby, Sharrow, Sheldrake, Siddon, Silent, Skootamatta, Snow, South Boundary, Spectacle, Spring, Spurr, Star, Steenburg, Stimears, Stoco, Story, Stoughton, Stubbs, Summit, Sweets;
Tait, Taylor, Trip, Trout, Twin Sister;
Vader, Van Luven, and
Wadsworth(2), Wanamaker, Wankie, Waterhouse, Watson, Wendsley, Weslemkoon, West Mullet, White Duck, Wolf, Wollaston.